Thursday, July 30, 2009

Looking In

Great day yesterday, painted this 'til it was done and did the touch up on a painting of sunflowers. Today I'll work on a heron painting that is in progress and plan on jumping into the two unfinished figure paintings (one of which you are intimately familiar with) as soon as inspiration strikes or when I get sick of looking at them unfinished, whichever comes first.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Thinking of Eagles

I have only a handful of paintings that I love as much as this one. Hope you like it too. It's an oil painting, 22x24.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

wire sculpture

Of Wire Sculpture
How's this for wild and crazy. I've been looking at this sculpture I made a few years ago and remembered how much I liked the lines. All found material from the barn. It took a couple of days, but thoroughly enjoyable.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Hi T,
Turns out this is a rare photo of me with my clothes on. Eve took this photo on an art trip near Anacortes.
I'm hoping this reaches you. Let me know.